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House Finch

Photographed in Southeast Arizona.  The House Finch is common throughout the United States and Mexico in areas below 6000 feet.

Pine Siskin

Photographed in Ash Canyon Southeast Arizona.  The Pine Siskin flocks with goldfinches in winter, found in mixed woods in summer.

Cassin's Finch

Photographed in Southeast Arizona. The Cassin's Finch is common throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, may move to Southern Arizona and New Mexico in winter.

Lesser Goldfinch

Photographed in the San Pedro Riparian Area Southeast Arizona.  The Lesser Goldfinch is common in dry, brushy fields, woodland borders, and gardens throughout the Southeast United States.

Lawrence's Goldfinch

Photographed in Southeast Arizona.  The Lawrence's Goldfinch prefers interior foothills and mountain valleys, sometimes flocks with other Goldfinches. Found in California and Southern Arizona.

American Goldfinch

Photographed in Southeast Arizona.  The American Goldfinch is found in weedy fields, open second-growth woodlands, especially in thistles and sunflowers, throughout the United States.

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