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Cooper's Hawk

Photographed in Ramsey Canyon Preserve, Southeast Arizona.  The Coopers Hawk has expanding range, nesting in a variety of woodlands.  They feed on small mammals and birds.  I have observed them hunting on backyard bird feeders.

Red-tailed Hawk

Photographed in Southeast Arizona.  This hawk can be found throughout North America and Mexico, it has a very diverse habitat, feeding on birds, mammals, reptiles and bugs.

Gray Hawk

Photographed in the San Pedro Riparian Area, Southeast Arizona.  Gray Hawks migrate to Southeast Arizona from Mexico in the breeding season, they inhabit deciduous growth along streams.

Northern Harrier

Photographed in the San Pedro Riparian Area, Southeast Arizona.  Fairly common in wetlands and open fields.  In winter can be found roosting with Short-eared Owls.  Found throughout North America and Mexico.

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