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_DSC8465 Canyon Towhee
_DSC5475 Canyon Towhee
_DSC5608 Canyon Towhee
_DSC8465 Canyon Towhee
Canyon Towhee
Hang out in arid hilly country and desert canyons, they are common in much of Arizona, New Mexico, and Southwest Texas down into Central Mexico.
Green-tailed Towhee
Likes dense brush, chaparral, on mountain sides it is a year round resident of Southern Arizona and New Mexico, and migrates north throughout much of the West United States to breed.
CNK_2187_009CNK_2187Green-tailed Towhee.
_DSC5507Green-tailed Towhee
_DSC5532 Green-tailed Towhee
CNK_2187_009CNK_2187Green-tailed Towhee.
KLK_9781Spotted Towhee
KLK_9777Spotted Towhee
_DSC2809 Spotted Towhee Juvenile
KLK_9781Spotted Towhee
Spotted Towhee
Photographed in Southeast Arizona. Similar to other towhee, the Spotted likes brush and chaparral as well as mountain sides, it can often be seen scratching and foraging for seeds and bugs on the ground or foliage gleaning.
Abert's Towhee
Photographed in Southeast Arizona. Inhabits desert woodlands and streamside thickets, at lower altitudes than Canyon Towhee, but they can be found together.
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