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Cactus Wren

Photographed in Southeast Arizona.  The Cactus Wren can be observed year round and is common to cactus country.  It nests are tucked into the cholla cactus or thorny bushes.

Rock Wren

Photographed in Southeast Arizona, Rock Wrens are found in the Western United States and as far north as Canada in breeding season.   Common on sunny talus slopes, and dry washes.

House Wren

(Brown-throated Wren) Photographed in Southeast Arizona, House Wren are common in a wide variety of habitat throughout the United States and Mexico.

Canyon Wren

Photographed in Southeast Arizona.  Canyon Wren are common in canyons and cliffs, near water throughout the Western United States and Mexico.

Bewick's Wren

Photographed in Southeast Arizona.  Bewick's Wren are found in brushland, hedgerows, stream edges, open woods and clear-cuts  throughout the Southwest United States and Mexico.

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