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CNK_2652_Mexican Jay

CNK_0731Mexican Jay

CNK_0738Mexican Jay

CNK_2652_Mexican Jay
Mexican Jay
Found in mountain pine-oak canyons, they are common in much of Southeast Arizona, Southwest New Mexico, and S down into Central Mexico.
Steller's Jay
Common in pine-oak woodlands and coniferous forests. found throughout much of the West United States mountain region, Canada, and Mexico.

_DSC2344 Stellers Jay

KLK_9015Steller's Jay

CNK_2625_Steller's Jay

_DSC2344 Stellers Jay

DSC_3164Blue Jay

DSC_3735Blue Jay

DSC_2749Blue Jay

DSC_3164Blue Jay
Blue Jay
Common in suburbs and woodlands. Often migrates in large flocks. Located throughout the Eastern United States.
Western Scrub-Jay
Photographed in Southeast Arizona. Inhabits open woodlands and brushy areas. Range throughout Southwest United States.

KCK_2252_Western Scrub-Jay

KCK_2317_Westerm Scrub-Jay


KCK_2252_Western Scrub-Jay
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